We begin by creating an Investment Policy Statement that includes an asset allocation model that takes into account one’s risk tolerance, time horizon, income requirements, and liquidity requirements.
The process of working together with a client can be outlined as follows:
- Assistance in setting goals to determine appropriate time horizons, investment objectives and amounts needed to accomplish investment goals
- Analysis of the client’s risk tolerance, current financial situation and prior investment experience
- Selection of appropriate asset classes & creating an Investment Policy Statement
- Investment selection utilizing primarily no-load mutual funds, exchange traded funds, individual debt and equity securities, and separate account managers
- Ongoing monitoring of fund, securities and manager performance
- Ongoing portfolio performance analysis
- Portfolio modifications and reallocation as determined to be advisable for the client’s needs and the applicable market and economic conditions
- Preparation of client reports
- Scheduled Face-to-Face meetings on a quarterly basis
All clients receive a comprehensive quarterly analysis and report, along with a monthly statement from the custodian. Detailed, individual reports are generated in the areas of: investment performance, tax efficiency, portfolio appraisal, current & target asset allocation, cash flow and fixed income reporting. Asset-based fees are charged and as such all decisions are made in the best interest of the client, without fear of conflict of interest.
Our associates will assist in selecting the most appropriate retirement plan for the client. Together with specific providers and custodians, Beverly Investment Advisors has the resources available to objectively compare, select, establish, monitor and maintain all retirement plans, including:
- Individual IRA, Rollover & Roth IRA Accounts
- SEP, Simplified Employee Pension Accounts
- Money Purchase Plans
- Profit Sharing Plans, including paired plans
- Defined Benefit Plans
- 401(k) Plans & 403 (b) Plans Simple 401(k), & Simple IRA plans
- Preparation of Client Reports
- Bilingual Support Available for Spanish participants
Recommendations can be made with regard to selecting qualified and non qualified plans, and asset allocation strategies. We will also review with the client and the client’s CPA, the implications of the minimum distribution requirements; income, estate and excise taxes that are identified. The evaluation continues and will include the appropriate asset allocation for income needs during retirement, coordinated with postmortem disposition and estate planning techniques.
We offer co-fiduciary support for the many investment issues trustees confront. Because we don’t represent any product or service provider, our advice is independent, objective, unbiased, and intended only to aid plan sponsors manage their fiduciary responsibilities.
Corporate trustees face difficult challenges. The normal complexities of managing an investment platform are compounded by fiduciary duties.
Many financial firms are eager to help. But delegating investment duties is itself a matter of fiduciary discretion, and therefore subject to standards of prudence. Rigorous due diligence is required. What should you delegate? What costs are reasonable? How should you evaluate competing vendors? How many of them are in a position to offer truly disinterested advice?
Fiduciaries rely on our objective expertise to help them fulfill their responsibilities and mitigate their liability risk. We provide services in a broad range of areas relevant to the investment fiduciary:
We develop a written Investment Policy Statement for each client. As the governing document for the trust portfolio, the Investment Policy Statement specifies target asset allocation, risk/return objectives, protocols and procedures for asset management.
Quarterly we evaluate trust asset performance. In addition we provide customized reports analyzing investment mangers, benchmark comparisons, fees & internal expense.
Our firm has broad investment manager research capabilities. We maintain data on over 10,000 publicly traded mutual funds, using various applicable data sources, including Morningstar, CDA Weisenberger and Lipper. We also have access to private manager performance records. For benchmarking purposes, we have access to several hundred investment indices. Additionally, we maintain several investment performance evaluation software packages. Our primary performance evaluation software is a suite of products from data and software provider, Advent, which we supplement with proprietary spreadsheet applications.